I've been doing a bit of reflecting on my life a lot lately. With covid and working for studios etc. And I really feel I need to pull back more. In like all things. I feel I need to make time for the few things I care about the most.
My Family
My Friends
Art Education
and my own personal Art.
In that order. And I've been spending WAY too much time on something that is not even on this list lol. Work and management of my platforms.
So in the meantime I'm going to hold Four Art sessions with you all! Turn the Patreon to just one very cheap tier and post and share stuff here freely with no expectations. This will allow me to truly be open again, Make more streams and content that I think most of you all enjoy! But do less management of all these different outlets. Keeping it simple and nice.
I do thank you all for the support though and I'll keep on making the best content I can! With that said I'll be deleting the two other tiers and making one new one, if you are interested in staying you'll have to rejoin. If not no worries :D
Here is links to all the content make so far, for your own archive. followed up with the schedule for the 4 final art sessions before converting over ;D Thanks again fam! talk soon.
--- CONTENT LINK << Click here ---
Art Session 1 ( Aug 8, 8:00am PST MORNING)
Meeting ID: 935 3540 0248 Passcode: 251558
Art Session 2 ( Aug 9, 8:00pm PST EVENING)
Meeting ID: 960 6043 4608 Passcode: 519090
Art Session 3 ( Aug 10, 8:00am PST MORNING)
Meeting ID: 996 1936 3157 Passcode: 566772
Art Session 4 ( Aug 11, 8:00pm PST EVENING)
Meeting ID: 926 0643 7139 Passcode: 712515